
Trader/Quant Job: Explore & Prepare


The program contains
- What to really expect from a typical interview for a trader/quant position
- Lots of brainteasers
- Basic theory and exercises on it
- Linear Regression overview
- Real problems from past interviews
- Where to read more on the topics of your interest
- Comments about programming parts of the interview


There are quite a few people interested in earning lots of money by joining one of the finance companies. In particular, the positions of a "trader" or "quantitive researcher" are of of big interest. The main point of this course is to give you enough practise and understanding of what to expect from those roles at most companies. Obviously, different companies and different positions require somewhat different skill-set -- but there are lots of things they all share, and the fundamentals are usually very similar. Plus we will direct you to the places on where to read more about the parts that you don't think you feel comfortable enough with. This course it not as theoretically heavy, and does not touch upon tough Stochastic processes or Finance Theory. For that: see the next course.

Next group lessons:

Study together with a small group under a supervision of a top University student or a graduate. You can ask questions or check your solutions to the exercises throughout the duration of the course.


The price is heavily discounted already (almost "just covers the e-services" we need), but there is a special 100% off for the IMO participants. If you want to claim this discount, simply email us at hello@quanta.world, we will give you the code.






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April 27, 2024

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£6̶9̶ £22

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Friendly Competition
(if you want to participate)

6 lessons

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